Swing ist Lebensfreude pur…
Save the Date! 20.6. – 22.6.2025

eWa Burak und
Lennart Westerlund
Welcome eWa Burak and Lennart Westerlund
Du möchtest wissen wie Lindy Hop wieder populär wurde und deine tänzerischen Fähigkeiten verbessern sowie in einen gemütlichen Groove kommen? Dann sind eWa und Lennart genau deine Trainer. Sie sind maßgeblich an deer Revolution des Lindy Hop in den 80ern beteiligt und begeistern sich heute noch an deen traditionellen Lindy Hop anfängen.
You want to know how Lindy Hop became popular again, improve your dancing skills and get into a comfortable groove? Then eWa and Lennart are exactly your trainers. They were instrumental in the Lindy Hop revolution in the 80s and are still enthusiastic about the traditional Lindy Hop beginnings today.

Manuel Bicain und
Marina Warncke
Welcome Manuel Bicain, thanks for choosing me as your teaching partner.
Du möchtest mehr… noch tiefer einsteigen und wissen wie das Tanzen in Argentinien ist, dann solltest du Manuel kennenlernen. Jeden Bewegungsablauf seines Tanzens kann er dir beschreiben und deinen perfekt analysieren.
You want more… and know what dancing in Argentina is like, then you should get to know Manuel. He can describe every movement of his dance and analyze yours perfectly.
Chorus Line
All Levels
17.00 – 19.00
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Inos are coming soon…
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Infos are coming soon…
Lindy Hop
10.30 – 12.30
Location is coming soon…
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Lunch Break
12.30 –13.30
Authentic Jazz
All Levels
13.30 – 15.00
Location is coming soon…
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Beginner Airsteps
Level ab Intermediate
15.30 – 17.00
Location is coming soon…
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Historie Talk
Infos comming soon…
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19.00 – 24.00
Lindy Hop
Intermediate up
10.30 – 12.30
Location is coming soon…
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Lunch Break
12.30 –13.30
Lindy Hop
10.30 – 12.30
Location is coming soon…
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Lunch Break
12.30 –13.30
Dips and Tricks
ab Intermediate
13.30 – 15.30
Location is coming soon…
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Authentic Jazz
All Levels
15.30 – 17.30
Location is coming soon…
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Lindy Hop
Intermediate up
10.30 – 12.30
Location is coming soon…
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Lunch Break
12.30 –13.30
freie Plätze
keine freien Plätze
choose your Pass
4 h of Lindy Hop 3 h Solo Jazz 1,5 h Airsteps 1 Taster |
250 € |
Full Pass
4 h of Lindy Hop 3 h Solo Jazz 2 h Dips and Tricks 1 Taster |
230 € |
Lindy Hop Pass
4 h Lindy Hop 1 Taster 1 Talk Friday and Saturday Party |
112 € |
choose your Pass
Solo Jazz Pass
3 h of Solo Jazz 2 h Chorus Line |
90 € |
Party Pass
1 Taster 1 Talk Friday and Saturday Party |
40 € |
Fun Pass
2 h Dips and Tricks 1 Taster |
103 € |
Lindy Hop – Intermediate
Du tanzt Lindy Hop und fühlst dich langsam immer sicherer was und wie du tanzt? Du traust dich auf Partys, gehst auch ab und zu schon auf internationale Workshops oder trainierst für dich selbst? In dieesem Level hast du richtig Bock neues zu lernen und die Basics immer wieder zu wiederholen, weil du weißt ohne stabile Basics kein Fortschritt. Dann ist dies dein Level.
Do you dance Lindy Hop and are slowly feeling more and more confident about what and how you dance? Do you dare to go to parties, go to international workshops from time to time or train for yourself? At this level you really want to learn new things and repeat the basics again and again, because you know that without stable basics there is no progress. Then this is your level.
Lindy Hop – Intermediate Advanced and up
Du fühlst dich sicher auf der Tanzfläche, gehst regelmäßig auf internationale Workshop und Social Dance. Auch bei schnellrer Musik ist es leicht für dich deinen Swing Out entspannt mit Triples zu tanzen? Dein Charleston ist locker und entspannt? Trotzdem hast du richtig Lust neues zu lernen, dich weiter zu entwickeln und unterschiedliche Ansätze auszuprobieren? Dann ist dies dein Level.
You feel confident on the dance floor and regularly attend international workshops and social dances. Is it easy for you to dance your Swing Out relaxed with triples even to fast music? Your Charleston is easy and relaxed? Nevertheless, do you really want to learn new things, develop yourself further and try out different approaches? Then this is your level.
Authentic Jazz Intermediate and up
Du kennst schon einige der typischen Jazz Steps und auch den Shim Sham hast du schon getanzt. Dann kannst du in dieser Klasse deine Kenntnisse vertiefen, neue Rhythmen, Variationen oder auch Steps lernen.
You already know some of the typical jazz steps and you have also danced the shim sham. Then in this class you can deepen your knowledge and learn new rhythms, variations or even steps.
Chorus Line
Was ist eine Chorus Line?
Eine Gruppe aus Tänzern/innen, die bei Shows oder in Musicals auftritt.
Diese Klasse ist für dich, wenn du an deiner Präsenz im Tanz für dich oder auf der Bühne arbeiten möchtest. Außerdem wenn du unterrichtest und für deine Teilnehmer/innen neue Inspirationen benötigst oder du einfach Lust hast, gemeinsam mit uns Solo zu tanzen.
What is a Chorus Line?
A group of dancers who perform in shows or musicals.
This class is for you if you want to work on your presence in dance just for you or on stage. If you teach and need new inspiration for your participants or you simply want to dance solo with us.
Dips and Tricks
Dieser Kurs widmet sich wundervollen Dips und Tricks mit denen ihr auf der Tanzfläche glänzen könnt. Als Endpose, in mitten eines Songs oder bei einer Performance. Dips und Tricks eignen sich immer, um einen besonderen Moment noch besonderer zu gestalten.
This course is dedicated to wonderful dips and tricks with which you can shine on the dance floor. As an end pose, in the middle of a song or during a performance. Dips and tricks are always a great way to make a special moment even more special.
Beginner Airsteps
Ein Einsteiger-Workshop in die Welt der Airsteps, auch Aerials genannt. Hier lernst du einige der einfacheren und anfängerfreundlicheren Airsteps und wie du diese aufregenden Bewegungen in deinen Tanz einbauen kannst, so dass sie nicht nur eine akrobatische Fähigkeit sind, sondern ein Teil deines Swingtanzes.
Niveau: Für Tänzer mit wenig oder keiner Erfahrung in Air Steps oder körperlichem Training. Es ist obligatorisch, sich als Tanzpaar anzumelden, denn wir werden die Partner nicht wechseln.
A beginners workshop into the world of Airsteps, also called Aerials. Here you will learn some of the simpler and more beginner friendly Air Steps, and how to add these exciting movements into your dancing, so it’s not just an acrobatic skill, but a part of your swing dancing.
Level: Aimed at dancers with little or no experience in air steps or physical training. It is mandatory to sign up as a dance couple, because we’ll not change partners.
…to be announced.
Historie Talk
… Thema wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Who are eWa Burak, Lennart Westerlund and Manuel Bicain?

Lennart Westerlund
Lennart started out dancing a Swedish form of American Jitterbug in the very early 1980s. In 1983 he came across the Lindy Hop through books and old film clips, and in May the following year he travelled to New York on the look-out for the roots of the dance form. He soon met, studied and started to spend time with old-timers including Al Minns, Frankie Manning and Norma Miller. In 1985, he co-formed the semi-professional and later on highly recognized Swedish dance company The Rhythm Hot Shots (now Hot Shots), and started to seriously study also tap and vernacular jazz dancing in general. A few years later, the company was in the forefront of the first steps of the revival of the Lindy Hop, and in 1989 they took over the complete administration of the Herräng Dance Camp, and invited legendary swing dancer Frankie Manning to visit his first major international swing dance camp.
When The Rhythm Hot Shots started to receive some serious international recognition during the early 90s, Lennart was one of the key dancers. The company travelled extensively throughout the decade, and was among a handful of other dancers seriously leading the way to put the Lindy Hop back on the map again. At the time, Lennart also established himself as an international instructor, as well as an administrator and background worker, especially at Herräng Dance Camp. In 2004 he opened Chicago swing dance studio in Stockholm, and in 2010, after 25 years, he left the professional performance aspect of the dance, now focusing more on teaching, giving lectures and performing dance demonstrations.
Lennart is today still a most active dancer, instructor, lecturer, judge and administrator but his main focus is to travel around the world passing on a variety of old-school American swing dances such as Lindy Hop, solo jazz, tap et cetera to a younger generation. His repertoire also includes all sorts of lectures around dance history, jazz music and musicality for dancers. After some 40 revival and renaissance years of the Lindy Hop, Lennart is one of very few of the pioneers that are still active in the scene. His background and dedicated interest in the Harlem roots of vernacular jazz dancing has positioned him as an important link between the past and the present.

Ewa „W“ Burak
eWa came into lindy hoppin’ in the fall of 1986, after successfully auditioning for semi-professional Swedish dance company The Rhythm Hot Shots (now Harlem Hot Shots). At the time, she did not have any experience with African-American dancing, but her background as a gymnast helped her to very fast become a most skillful acrobatic lindy hop performer. Her repertoire gradually grew during the later part of the 80s and early 90s, also to include lots of vernacular jazz, charleston, tap and other elements of the Harlem jazz dance tradition. In 1989 she teamed up with Lennart Westerlund, and they soon positioned themselves as one of the top performance couples, specializing in fast acrobatic lindy hop. When eWa decided to step back from the professional performance aspect in the late 90s, she continued to teach on a semi-professional level passing on the lindy hop and other traditional jazz dances to a new generation.
eWa was during the 90s one of the most recognized and celebrated lindy hoppers out there. She was a key member of The Rhythm Hot Shots, she frequently partnered Frankie Manning, and she was often on the road teaching and performing in the constantly growing lindy community. Her style of lindy hoppin’ and vernacular jazz dancing was and is characterized by a pure and powerful quality based on Harlem traditions and long time experience. Modern influences have never been a part of her dancing, and today she belongs to an exclusive minority of lindy dancers that is clearly rooted in the history of the dance form.
eWa is today living in Virginia (USA) and Knivsta (Sweden). Her engagement in the lindy scene of today includes teaching locally as well as on an international level. She still occasionally performs, and she has for many years been one of the teachers and workers around the Herräng Dance Camp. Her background and knowhow of today position her as an important link between the traditions of the dance form and the contemporary communities.

Manuel Bicain
Manuel started to dance Swing in 2003. When he got into the traditional jazz and improvisation world, he found the prefect way to express himself and to share his art with people.
He studied with local teachers and took clases in Europe with the best dancers of the world. He combined his training with martial arts, contact improvisation, theater and circus for several years. He has also studied tap and body percussion, disciplines that he’s still practicing.
He is the organizer of Swingin’ Festival (a Lindy Hop and Tap event), Swing Break Camp, and Campeonato Porteño de Swing (the first swing championships in Southamerica). Currently, he organizes swing parties and he is the producer of the jazz band Brazofuerte All Stars.
Manu participated in several shows as a swing dancer, and won different prizes in competitions. He teaches Lindy Hop, involving not just his heart and dance knowledge in each class, but also modern educational techniques to transmit what each student needs.

Marina Warncke
Hello, I’m Marina. Welcome to my page. I have been dancing a wide variety of dances since I was a child. Since 2013 I have been dancing exclusively in the swing scene. I dance Lindy Hop, Balboa and Blues. My new enthusiasm is jazz and tap. I always like to take on new challenges and am so enthusiastic about swing dancing that I quit my job to dance and pass on my enthusiasm for dancing to other people. Enjoy your stay on this site and I look forward to meeting you in June.
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Du hast dich für einen Pass entschieden? Super dann kannst du dich hier für den Workshop anmelden.
Have you decided on a pass? Great, then you can register for the workshop here.